Wanna try.

- I just know you for a couple of days, saw you three times, but i see you as a sunshine. I'm not very found of the gay scene, that's why i was apart, that's why i felt alone in another world, my world. I thought everybody was more or less the same and i didn't want it for sure. In fact, i was in the dark for so many, so many years and i didn't mind it. And now i met you. I thought you were like the others in that stupid place. Thank God i left home that night. Thank God i'm here again. Thank God i met you. Thank God i saw you smiling. Thank God i saw you dancing. You're a sunshine. A little bit sad, a little bit hurt but with so much light in you. Don't you see? I am new in this, this is totally new for me, but im not confused, i'm not fascinated about all this places, about all this people. I know it, i feel it, i must say this... since that day i can't stop thinking about you. I must say that you're my Sunshine.

- Please, don't call me "Sunshine". I don't want any nicknames. I don't want more nicknames.

- Why are you so sad?

- Sorry for disappointing you but tonight was dark for me. I saw who i didn't want to see, what i didn't want to see. Sorry, you're sweet, very sweet and i apreciate that, but i... my heart, my soul, my stupid brains are... Well, i'm sick. I'm so fucked up! And you don't deserve it. Sorry, i don't wanna hurt you.

- Who told you that's a big problem for me? I now you're not fine. I can see that. So what? Forget what you saw this night. Forget this night. Try to clean your soul, your mind. I'll help you. We'll both do that. You and me, me and you. I know i'm new in this, but i'm not blind and i know what i want. I want you. You must believe me. Don't you wanna try?

- Better not, sorry. I don't believe in people anyone. I just wanna be alone.

- No, you don't. And you don't deserve to be alone.

- Probably don't, but i want to.

- Sorry, Sunshine.

- Stop. Why are you smiling?

- Because now i met you, i won't leave you. Now that i found you, i will not go away. And i will make you so happy. Just like you're already making me.

- Oh please! You really don't know what you're talking about.

- Oh yeah i do. And we will marry each other.

- Yeah, yeah... whatever!

- Yes, we will. Not today, not tomorrow, but onde day soon i'll propose you in Rio or New York and guess... you'll say "yes".

- Well, stop that. Go home and sleep well.

- Ok, Sunshine. Go home and don't cry.

- I'm not crying.

- I don't see tears but, yes, you are. I can see that. Do you wanna come home with me?

- Oh, for God's sake, i'm not crying. Go home.

- One day there'll be our home. Me and you and kids and dogs and cats and... Tomorrow i'll buy a blue pijama for you and it will be waiting in my closet.

- I don't like blue. Go! And stop smiling.

8 comentários:

João Roque disse...

Diálogo sonhado, realizado ou apenas fantasiado?
Mas é, sem sombra de dúvida, um diálogo de carências, uma evidente e exuberante, outra triste, conformada e escondida.
Saberás tu o final da história?

Anónimo disse...

Bem, quem é que já te anda mais uma vez, a fazer propostas do outro mundo? Pronto, como não sei já que sugestões dar nestas coisas, deves seguir os teus instintos. Sei lá, eu também não aprecio muito um pijama azul mas a ideia não deixa de ser engraçada
Quem é o gajo?

Unknown disse...

Ficcionado, real ou assim-assim não é o que mais me interessa... simplesmente digo que o texto está fabuloso. Que muitas vezes é preciso uma alma torturada para reconhecer outra e que quando esse reconhecimento ocorre nem sempre é fácil. Pois geralmente está-se habituado a que não vejam para lá dessa máscara de aparente normalidade.

Abraço ;)

Anónimo disse...

E pq não tentar? Pq n experimentar vestir o pijama. Pode ser que a "cor" comece a agradar. ;)
Meu querido, eu sei que as coisas não funcionam assim mas quero ver-te feliz e felicitar o sortudo q for teu companheiro.

Anónimo disse...

A tristeza de um e a esperança e certeza de outro.
Há que voltar a acreditar.

Anónimo disse...

É uma história inventada n é?

ψ Psimento ψ disse...

Não sei a origem deste dialogo, mas diz-nos, na tua opinião o que vence o desespero e tristeza de um ou a força e esperança do outro...
Voto na 2ª :) Uma boa semana

TheTalesMaker disse...

Do it! And good luck.