
- I was swimming. I was fighting. Then I thought, just for a second, I thought: "What’s the point?" And then I let go. I stopped fighting. Don’t tell anybody.
- Okay.
- And are you doing?
- Sometimes we’d be at the same place, at exactly the same time, and I can almost hear his voice. It’s like I’m touching him. I like to believe he knows I’m there. That’s all you get. That’s it. Moments with the people you love. And they’ll move on and you’ll want the moments to move on, cause it's good, but it hurts. Well, that’s all you get. Moments.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Belissimo belissimo belissimo

Anónimo disse...

E sao essses momentos que mais nos fazem sentir vivos n é? Os momentos só nossos mas que sentimos que alguém também os partilha, mm q n diga, mm q n aparente, mm q aparente n estar nem aí. Momentos em q sentimos verdadeiramente o q é o amor.
Podem doer mas fazem-nos viver e acreditar.